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Elizabeth "Biz" Fiester

Elizabeth has been a Drama and English Teacher at Clovis West High School for the past 23 years. After receiving her BA in Theater from Fresno State, Elizabeth began performing at Good Company Players, with her directorial debut for the company in 1983.  This opportunity lead to directing and performing for a number of theater companies in the valley, for over thirty years. For CMT, Elizabeth’s first production, as a director, was Sweeny Todd in 2010, and since then she has directed ANNIE JR and CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG for the company.  Elizabeth has also taught the Spring Acting classes offered by CMT in recent years and sometimes serves as an acting coach for the productions.  This year Elizabeth, as guest artist will be playing Miss Hannigan in CMT’s, December production of ANNIE.

CMT Credits:

Annie Jr.

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Favorite Musical Quote:

“Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets” --Damn Yankees

Classes, Camps, Rehearsals and Small Scale Productions take place at:

CMT Main Space | Sierra Vista Mall
1050 Shaw Ave | Clovis

Tickets: 866.973.9610

Info: 559.835.6875


CMT Office and Performance Venue:

Fresno Memorial Auditorium
2425 Fresno St
 | Fresno
Across from the Historic Water Tower
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